The COVID period has been quite strenuous for all of us. Gladly, nature is still the same and unaffected by all this virus game. Spring is slowly peeping through, temperatures are still a bit low though, which is good for all the tender flowers. The petals will stay fresh for a longer time for us …

“Mutterpass“ (maternity record)
The present maternity record which is in use, is an old fashioned pale grey booklet. This has been in use, unquestioned by all expecting mothers for decades in Germany. A doctor colleague of mine coaxed me to paint some positive and happy covers for this booklet. Two of them were chosen 3 weeks ago to …

Gandhi´s 150th birthday 2019
On Mahatma Gandhi´s 150th birthday commemoration many artists presented paintings of Gandhi as a part of a competition organised by the Embassy of India in Berlin. My submission „Salt and Gandhi“, shows Gandhi as an iconic figure holding salt symbolically in his hands. This is painted with acrylics on a huge canvas (180 x 80 …
The story of the Happy Hippo Zuri
Zuri, the usually happiest Hippo in the world is now slightly concerned about her weight. For her upcoming Talent Show she is totally motivated to go through a low-carb diet. Watch her change in mind and body… Follow her story
Completely digital!
This humming bird weighs 2,3 g and is 2,6 inches long. Lives mostly in Trinidad and North Brazil. This is a digital painting.
An old fashioned, sweet way to say you are on a holiday…
A sentimental way to say “hello” when you are on vacation is to send some self-made greeting cards, especially when communication today is reduced to short messages and emails. It’s a bit time consuming but gives you great satisfaction. The recipient gets something really special. So this card for example travelled from India to Germany! …
Urban sketch
This featured photo is the harbour in Claddagh, Galaway city done with pen and ink and a water colour line wash. Press to see another drawing: Berlin Cathedral See the other urban sketches
Stop over at my studio
If you are interested to paint something contact me. We shall meet at my studio. Materials will be provided. Make an appointment under this link below and have some fun painting! Just drop a mail.